Hi everyone , welcome to our blog for the PCT. Thanks for taking an interest in our epic hike.
Those of you who know me will be aware that I do not normally participate in social media but I promise to to embrace and be proactive on this blog!
Not sure how often we will be adding to it , depends on us getting charged up (literally) so don't worry if there is a bit of a lull sometimes , it may also mean of course that we are just too tired!
There will be good days and not such good days along the way but our aim is for us not to both have an 'off day' on the same day so we can talk each other up and onwards . Any positive interaction and encourage would be greatly received.
Ok that's my first blog posting , hope you enjoy our journey with us . Special love and thanks to Lucy, Thomas, Sandie , Michael and course my gorgeous grandchildren Harriet and Leo , I am going to miss you so much x

Great Blog. Bob and will follow you every step of the way (however not literally!) The very best of luck from all our family.
All the best to you both and what an amazing trip you are doing. The sights will be amazing. 👏👣🌈🌟