Sennen cove to Lamorna is listed as challenging (strenuous in places) and did not disappoint me in this regard at all . This rating continues onto Mousehole . Paul was able to relive the moment he left Landsend in 2017 to cycle to John O’Groats , check out photos . We found a campsite before Lamorna and pitched the tents , it rained and blew a gale most of the night but both tents remained up and watertight! I wish I had Paul’s love of heights and steep cliff edges but it is clear I do not share this trait with him and I am continually anxious 😬 . Anyway day off tomorrow , hopefully the weather will cheer up so we can check out Penzance . ( well we will check out Penzance whatever the weather actually!).
Annoyingly I can’t get photos to load so I’ll keep trying later on .